Please complete the below survey at your convenience: Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Which event have you recently attended? *Princess BrunchEster BrunchSuperhero BrunchMother's Day BrunchHow would you rate the quality of the food? *Very High QualityHigh QualityAverageLow QualityVery Low QualityHow would you rate the variety of the food? *Too MuchLarge VarietyAverage VarietyLow QualityVery Low QualityHow would you rate the overall service? *ExcellentAbove AverageAverageBelow AveragePoorHow satisfied were you with the character experience of the themed events (if not applicable, click N/A) *Above My ExpectationsSatisfiedDisatisfiedBelow My ExpectationsN/ADo you feel the pricing of the event was fair? *YesNoOverall, how satisfied were you? *Extremely SatisfiedVery SatisfiedNot SatisfiedWould you attend another special event at Gatsby? *YesNoWould you recommend Gatsby's special events to a family member? *YesNoDid any employee stand out to you that you would like to be recognized? *YesNoIf so, please list their name or a description below:What recommendations do you have for future events to help better our business? *Submit8965888381